NOFA Summer Event
Learn on-farm alongside other farmers, gardeners, environmentalists, and food enthusiasts!
Demystifying Organic Certification for Vegetable Farms: Join us to understand the benefits and techniques of organic production through a farm tour at 1,000 Stone Farm, a small four-season farm in Brookfield that is certified organic by Vermont Organic Farmers (VOF). Farmer Kyle Doda and VOF staff will discuss the ins-and-outs of running an organic vegetable farm, from the core farming practices to the costs and record-keeping requirements. This workshop is primarily geared toward vegetable producers and those in a related field interested in an educational organic farm tour.
Please pre-register!
NOFA-VT member $25, non-member $35, BIPOC complimentary
Find out more about this series here or contact Zea Luce at or 802-434-4122